About Us

Talia Rudee

Talia has always been a baker at heart. Ever since she was born, she’s had a sweet tooth and some of her earliest memories are baking chocolate chip cookies with her mom after school! She loved learning her family’s Jewish holiday recipes (especially Sephardic traditions), and in college went on to run her own challah club, a chapter of Challah for Hunger at Whitman College in Walla Walla, WA. She later pursued an MBA and a career in Sustainable Business, but Talia’s heart keeps coming back to baking and Challah – which is how Talia’s Challahs was born!

When she’s not baking, you can find Talia in one of many creative pursuits. From learning to drum to tap dancing to cycling, Talia is always on the move. Born and raised in Seattle, WA, Talia has a special place in her heart for the PNW but has lived in and loved San Francisco and New York City. She loves living in Denver and is so excited to launch and grow Talia’s Challahs here!

Daniel Koas

Daniel is excited to be on the entrepreneurial path with Talia’s Challahs. He is passionate about connecting with others and building genuine, open-minded, and joyful communities. He brings experience planning large-scale conferences, virtual events and webinars, and leadership training programs for nonprofits. 

Daniel grew up in Israel, Australia, and New York and spent a year living and working in Izmir, Turkey after college as a JDC Jewish Service Corps Fellow. He moved to Denver with Talia in 2021 and hasn’t looked back! He loves going hiking (thru-hiking the Colorado Trail in Summer 2023), practicing and teaching yoga, hosting trivia nights, and eating challah.